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Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles are a set of accepted guidelines that capture the Superstition Project’s values and priorities.  The Guiding Principles are used to develop the goals, objectives, and strategies of the Vision and Strategy for the Superstition Vistas.  They provide a standard for evaluating development scenarios and plan recommendations, and ultimately they will help us answer the question: “How do we define success in the Superstition Vistas?”

Community and Housing

  • Develop land use regulations that achieve the Vision of the Superstition Vistas
  • Provide affordable housing of different types and styles for people of all ages in Superstition Vistas
  • Ensure that Superstition Vistas grows cultural institutions – the arts, music, food, dance, and theatre
  • Provide quality housing and schools for people working in the city
  • Create and maintain safe neighborhoods


  • Ensure that the Superstition Vistas has a well designed and sufficiently funded transportation plan that will meet the needs of the new development for auto, transit, walking, and biking
  • Ensure that a robust transit system is developed within the Superstition Vistas that is well funded, and grows with the Vistas, and ensure that the proper governance is developed so that the transit system can meet the needs of the future development
  • Ensure that the Superstition Vistas develops major through roads and transit facilities  that connect with Phoenix and Tucson
  • Coordinate the transportation system with the land uses so that people can choose to reduce their reliance on the automobile by living closer to work, living or working close to transit, and living in pedestrian and bicycle friendly areas
  • Provide efficient and cost-effective movement of goods both within and beyond the Superstition Vistas


  • Develop Economic Catalysts to spark job growth in advance of housing growth
  • Support the development of one or more universities as a major economic catalyst
  • Support developing an educational system that results in an educated workforce in all segments of the community and includes training for a wide range of job skills
  • Create good quality jobs for people of all ages, with a focus on our youth
  • Foster cooperation among Pinal County, Maricopa County and neighboring jurisdictions for economic development

Equity and Opportunity

  • Ensure that the education system that develops in Superstition Vistas is among the best in the State
  • Ensure that the housing choices in Superstition Vistas allow for Arizonans of all incomes to settle in this area
  • Ensure all residents have access to quality housing, jobs, education and health care
  • Ensure there is opportunity for small, medium-sized and minority owned businesses


  • Make Superstition Vistas one of the most sustainable communities in the country by focusing on balanced development, water conservation and capture, energy efficient buildings, and land use and transportation systems that reduce auto use
  • Protect the habitats and corridors of the washes and streams, especially Queens Creek
  • Develop renewable sources of electricity on site where feasible
  • Ensure that future development focuses on reducing high peak demands for electricity and water, as well as reducing annual consumption
  • Consider open space as essential infrastructure on par with sewer, water and roadways

Planning Process

  • Secure necessary policy reforms to realize vision/plan
  • Provide a Sub-regional planning system that allows several local governments to emerge, but ensures that their actions are well coordinated, and follow a common framework plan for the Vistas
  • Develop a clear implementation and funding program for the Vision and future adopted plans